An Update on Blogging
I know I have been bad at posting. My life has been pretty hectic over the past couple of months, so blogging has been on the backburner. Perhaps I will have a bit more time to devote to posting a couple times per week in the coming months, but please do not expect any sort of consistency in the future.
I have over 50 posts about trip reports to write alone. I’ve got my trip to Sydney and Kuala Lumpur to finish, as well as trips to Bangkok, Hong Kong, Bali, Penang, Singapore, Jakarta, and more.
I also have a number of commentary posts I want to write about travel hacking and the state of blogging as a whole. I’m sad to see George at Travel Blogger Buzz stop posting, although I felt like reading his blog and following him on Twitter over the past year was a bit like witnessing a descent into madness.
If you’re despondent about my lack of posting and need something to fill the void in your heart, here are some current blogs I like:
Point Princess: she loves durian. What more do you need?
Hungry for Points: I feel like our blogs are pretty similar in some respects (and not just because he’s another Asian blogger).
Rapid Travel Chai: his weekly roundups are great (and possibly the best replacement I’ve seen to George’s posts).
PointChaser: I particularly like the on-the-ground look at MS.
Rocky at Upgrd: I find his posts much more useful than typical titans.
Also, I finally removed VFTW from my Feedly, and I’m glad that I did. I just couldn’t anymore. So now the last titan I have left on my Feedly is Lucky…
I had to take a break from Lucky… removed OMAAT from my feedly today. I just couldn’t read another trip report about going to Dubai, or something about Qatar or Emirates. I’ll check in every now and again, but I’m looking for new blogs, too.
Thanks for your recs!
I am close to removing OMAAT as well, but I have a vague sense that it’s good to maintain at least one prolific blogger so you get all of the major news. Then again, I feel like Rocky has been covering all of the news that’s relevant to me, without the credit card pimping and ridiculousness, so maybe I don’t need him anymore…
Thanks for the shout-out! Sadly, I’ve also been posting way less often than I’d like.
We should combine blogs and name it “Hungry for Asian Men”. Oh, wait…
Thanks for the link and I really loved the “descent into madness”, I think you nailed it. Feels so great now having under 200 blogs in Feedly, I need to keep going….lower
I am going to update the Blogs I Like list just for you then
I am not stopping my blog! So many bloggers want me dead…”I am not dead yet!”
I don’t know how you followed so many blogs for so long. Even though I don’t read most posts, I feel overwhelmed at times following 20, and most of those 20 don’t even post daily. And I feel honored any time I get any sort of mention on your blog, even if it’s to make fun of my blog name.
who would’ve thought that the ‘efficient’ asian man wouldn’t have time to blog? ill miss your anger
Ironic, isn’t it? Or maybe the efficient part is understanding my utility function to know how I should prioritize my time.
YES DURIAN!!!! We should plan a Durian DO!
I’d totally be down